Please Leave Us a Review
We'd love to hear what you thought!

- WHERE you are located e.g. town or area
- WHY you needed our help
- WHAT we helped you with
- WHO you were talking to from our team
- HOW was the service
Thanks for Shopping With Us!
We strive to give every customer the products and advice they need. And we’d love to hear what you thought of our work. Could you please leave us a Google review?
Please include as much detail as possible about your hire. For example:
WHERE you are from
e.g. town or area.
WHY you came in
e.g. looking for pet food
WHAT you bought from us
e.g. your toy, pet or supplies
WHO you were talking to
e.g. Robert …
HOW was the service
e.g. knowledgeable, friendly, range of products
Please use your best account
Please review on a phone if you can. Best use an account you often use. No Google account? No problem – just use the FB link below the red button.
Please note: You must be logged in to Google to leave a Google review. When you click the button below, you will be asked to logged in, if you’re not already logged in.
No Google? CLICK HERE to open Facebook App then click “About”, scroll to bottom of page. To the right of Reviews click “See All”. Then click “Yes” and type your review.