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Machine Works 4 Cylinder Engine


Construct a fully working model of a 4-Cylinder internal combustion engine with ignition sound and illuminating spark plugs.


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Build your own fully working model of a 4 cylinder petrol car engine with ignition sound and illuminating spark plugs The kit contains all the tools you’ll need for assembly and over 100 parts. The model engine is great fun to put together and a practical aid to understanding how a four stroke combustion engine really works. The on/off controller includes a sound chip which reproduces the noise of an engine starting as the model begins to work. A famous Haynes Manual is included, giving clear step-by-step assembly instructions. Did you know that almost half the cars in the world have 4 cylinder engines?



  • 2 x AA (LR6) batteries (not included)

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 42 × 31 × 12 cm

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